Why renewable energy?

Most of the world’s electricity supply continues to be generated from fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas.

However, these traditional energy sources face several challenges including price volatility, security concerns over dependence on imported oil, and environmental repercussions.

Renewable energy sources have emerged as real alternatives which address some of these concerns and governments around the world are creating policies to encourage the uptake of renewables.

Solar power has emerged as the most rapidly growing renewable source of electricity and is poised to comprise a significant portion of the world’s energy mix in the near future.

How long does it take to develop and construct a solar farm?

Generally, a 25 MWp solar farm can be developed in 12 to 15 months.

However, the development timeline largely depends on the local/municipal permitting and approval processes.

Construction can take an additional 10 months depending on construction timing based on seasonal considerations and the utility company’s interconnection scope.

Who is responsible for operating and maintaining the solar farm?

PEAK ENERGY Asset Managers and its trusted partner O&M companies will operate and maintain the solar farm according to a PEAK ENERGY-defined framework for top quality requirements to optimize the assets and its relationship with the environment and communities.

Where is the power that is generated from the farm used?

The electricity that will be produced by the solar farm will be fed into the local electricity grid and will be physically delivered to various energy users by the utility.

What happens at the end of the life for the asset?

The owner of an asset is responsible for the decommissioning of that asset including removing all equipment and infrastructure associated with the project.

In designing a project, decommissioning of a solar farm should always be incorporated into the business plan so that reserve accounts can be funded from the beginning of the operations.

These accounts are typically funded by project cash flows and help to ensure that funds are available to complete the decommissioning of an asset at the appropriate time.

Do solar farms represent an environmental risk to the land?

During normal course construction or operation of a solar farm, the land should not be exposed to any hazardous materials.

How long do solar PV panels last?

PEAK ENERGY only recommends high quality panels from best-in-class manufacturers who provide minimum 25-year performance guarantees.

What is required for a wind site to be successful?

For a wind project to be successful, wind developers must abide by government rules, regulations, and establish a mutually beneficial relationship with the community.

What are the challenges of wind power?

Challenges such as unpredictable wind patterns, noise, operations, and geography are analyzed before designing a wind site. The wind industry continues to research and understand the challenges and advantages to ensure that wind energy is utilized to its full potential.

Do wind turbines harm wildlife?

Environmental and conservation groups recognize that one of the largest threats to bird species is the threat of climate change and support the installation of properly-sited wind power facilities as an effort to reduce the impact of climate change on bird populations.

While wind turbines do kill individual birds, the industry has made great strides over the past decades understanding how turbines can be sited to minimize the impact on birds.

Today, other threats—such as skyscrapers, automobiles, and predators—present a greater negative impact to bird populations than modern wind facilities.

What happens when the wind stops blowing?

Modern electricity grids are designed to deal with minute-to-minute variation in load from customers and supply from power sources.

While it differs from grid to grid, most system operators agree that a typical grid can incorporate 10-20% wind generation without any additional operational considerations.

With wind forecasting technology improving year over year, wind production levels can be accurately predicted at 5-minute, hourly, and daily intervals.

How long do wind turbines last?

Wind turbines can last for a span of 20-25 years. Factors such as harsh weather conditions, and unexpected patterns can affect the life of a wind turbine.